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My Research Interests

Here in this page you can see my Research Interests. I always have a desire to do research in these areas.

Cloud Computing

What is Cloud Computing? Making use of the resources available in the internet. This will be achieved by logging into the remote Servers. The resources may be Web Servers, Servers, Software  files etc. This may be either pay as you go or free service that depends on the Vendor. Cloud computing is broadly divided into three categories. SaaS (Software as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service), IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service).

Starting from the day-to-day activities like bank account details, passwords, highly confidential things or conversations have been stored in the cloud. 

EX., Google, Amazon etc



Haskell is a Pure Functional Programming language. When comparing Haskell with an imperative language (executed by sequence of steps) say C and Object Oriented languages like C++, Java the program will be executed by sequence of statements whereas in the purely functional programming language it is evaluated in expressions. And also in the imperative languages the value of the variable used will be changed in the course of the program but in Haskell it remains the same. For instance if the value of a is 5, it will remain the same throughout the program. Haskell is lazy, unless you called to be evaluated it won't evaluate. Prelude.hs is the standard library loaded when you start the Haskell, which contains some built in functions. Hoogle and Hayoo are some good search engines for Haskellers to learn Haskell libraries.

Software Testing

In the software life cycle Testing plays a vital role. Before deployment we have to make that the application or the product has met the requirements. Basically there are two methods of Testing namely Black Box testing, Grey Box Testing and White Box testing. . Each has it's own advantages and disadvantages.
Manual Testing(Testing is carried out without the help of external software) and Automated Testing(Testing is carried out with the help of external software) are the two types of Testing.

E.g., LoadRunner, Rational Functional tester.

Android Development

Loads of interest in Android application development and its research. Currently, working on a project.  It will be updated soon.

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